
On Wednesday, September 27, the City launched a Zoning Redesign event series with “Think Globally, Act Locally: Zoning for a Sustainable Newton”. The planning team presented proposals for a stormwater ordinance, green building design and renewable energy/energy efficiency, among other sustainability topics. To see the summary of the event, click HERE.

The Zoning Redesign project is the first comprehensive look at updating and improving Newton’s Zoning Ordinance in more than 60 years.  This presents an opportunity to better align Newton’s core value of environmental sustainability with best practices in regulation to achieve climate resilience, clean water, and quality of our environment. This series of discussions with the public will run through May 2018.  Each event is about a different topic and will be held at Newton Free Library (330 Homer Street, Newton). Check out the series online HERE.

Contact zoningredesign@newtonma.gov with questions.