Some sources of plastic waste are obvious. Others? Not so much.

Today, we’re sharing 9 unexpected things that contain plastic, along with easy swaps you can make to reduce waste.

Let’s dive in!

  1. Chewing Gum. The base of most conventional gum is actually made with plastic, so it’ll be around long after you’re done chewing. Sustainable swap: Plastic-free gum like Simply or Glee.
  2. Dental Floss. Since most floss is made of nylon and wax, it can entangle wildlife. Sustainable swap: Silk floss like Dental Lace.
  3. Sunscreen. Many sunscreens use microplastics to bind ingredients and give waterproofing properties. Sustainable swap: Natural sunscreens like Raw Element.
  4. Makeup Rounds. Though they look like pure cotton, many makeup rounds are coated with plastic for a smooth finish. Sustainable swap: Reusable rounds like LastRound.
  5. Adhesive Bandages. Even most “fabric” bandages contain plastic coatings and adhesives to make them durable. Sustainable swap: Waste-free bandages like Patch.
  6. Food Wrappers. Chip bags, granola bar wrappers, and more are multi-layered materials that contain plastic. Sustainable swap: Buy in bulk and split into reusable bags like Stasher, or choose plastic-free packaging at the store.
  7. Tea Bags. Many tea bags use plastic fibers or coatings that stay behind after the natural fibers break down. Sustainable swap: Buy plastic-free bags or use loose leaf tea.
  8. Dishwasher Detergent. Besides the bottle, many liquid detergent brands have also been found to contain microplastics. Sustainable swap: Natural laundry powders or detergent sheets like Tru Earth.
  9. Receipts. Almost all receipt paper is coated with plastics like BPA or BPS. Sustainable swap: Ask for a digital copy or skip the receipt.

Give a few of these swaps a try to reduce the amount of plastic you use at home. And if you’ve tracked down any other sneaky sources of plastic waste, we’d love for you to share with us!

Henry Palmer is owner of the sustainable home goods company and a former Green Newton board member.