
In the Green Lifestyles course, participants will learn how to reduce their use of energy (at home and in transportation), water, waste and toxins, and be a more eco-friendly consumer. They will also discover new strategies for cutting their energy and water bills. Each class will be composed of 5 to 8 individuals or households.

Session Dates*

Course 1:  Tuesdays, 7:30-9pm:  May 1, May 8, May 29.

Course 2:  Thursdays, 7:30-9pm:  April 26, May 10, May 24.

*Participants who have scheduling conflicts can attend one of the other class’s meetings. There are also plans to hold more courses in the fall. Please contact Dan if interested but the spring dates do not work for you.

Session Components – Sessions will be part didactic and part participatory.

Materials – The teacher will provide participants with a PowerPoint presentation and a document that covers green lifestyle practices.

Requirements – After the first meeting, participants will be encouraged to implement several small practices in their lives and consider at least one larger project. They will discuss their findings during parts of  meetings 2 and 3.

Dan Ruben, Chairman of the Board for Green Newton, will teach the class. Dan has facilitated over 30 Household Eco-Teams and Low Carbon Diet Teams, and helped over 200 households live more sustainably. He trained the trainers of Low Carbon Diet Teams.

In his own life, Dan has reduced his fossil fuel use by over 80%.

As a professional, Dan is the president of Boston Green Tourism, an organization that educates hoteliers about reducing their properties’ use of fossil fuel, water, waste and toxins. Previously, he led an organization that brought environmental best practices to the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston.

Cost – Green Newton members: free. Non-members: $25, includes a complementary Green Newton membership. Bring a snack to share at one or two of the meetings.

To register or ask questions, contact Dan: dan_ruben@usa.net or 617-527-7950.