
Invasive plants pose a major threat to our ecosystems, and the challenge of tackling them can often seem formidable. On September 22 from 9am-1pm at Great Hall Lodge at Cedar Hill (265 Beaver StreetWaltham), restoration ecologist Chris Polatin will teach us how to confidently confront invasive plants with effective management and monitoring techniques. There are many possible manual and chemical control methods— Chris will describe how to choose the most effective measures given the size and scale of an invasion. He will also detail how to devise a realistic treatment plan that will facilitate the long-term success of a project. And of course, we will learn how to identify and remove common offenders, including Oriental bittersweet, glossy buckthorn, black swallow-wort, and more. This program starts with observations and hands-on demonstrations in the field, followed by additional lessons in the classroom. Homeowners, gardeners, and landscapers looking to get the upper hand on invasive plants— this is the class for you!

Chris Polatin founded Polatin Ecological Services in 2005. He is a restoration ecologist certified by the Society for Ecological Restoration, and has been working on invasive management projects in woodlands, wetlands, and coastal areas across New England for over 15 years. He is an experienced teacher, who has taught classes for the Nature Conservancy, local conservation organizations, and other groups. Chris lives in the Pioneer Valley town of Gill, MA where he chairs the local Conservation Commission.

CEUs Available – APLD (2 credits); NOFA-AOLCP (4 credits)

For more information, go to http://grownativemass.org/programs/eveningswithexperts, or call 781-790-8921.

Register HERE