
The following is a post originally printed in the Sustainable Wellesley E-newsletter.

It has been brought to our attention that some “Big Stores” (like Home Depot) have been selling Milkweed plants that have been treated with systemic Neonicotinoids, which are poisonous to birds and butterflies. This is THE host plant for the Monarch butterfly. These plants are being sold now to well-meaning people who want to help the Monarchs, not kill them.

Please be aware and be on the lookout for the information stick hidden behind the identification information that the plants have been treated with systemic Neonicotinoids. This issue is currently being addressed by various environmental agencies but the plants are already out there, so check the tags!

Sustainable Wellesley will have healthy milkweed in the next few weeks. Email us at info@SustainableWellesley.com for more information.