
A new pilot program launched this week – no-cost organics drop-off at the Resource Recovery Center!

Residents can drop-off all food waste including fruit and vegetable peels, meat/bones, seafood shells, and other kitchen scraps along with paper towels and paper napkins. Food scraps are composted by Black Earth to become a soil amendment. Refer to their guidelines for acceptable materials.

As a reminder, please do not put any metal, glass, plastic, rubber, or cartons/juice boxes in the carts. Make sure you remove any stickers from fruits and vegetables before composting.

To drop off your household organics:

  • Call 617-796-1000 to make an appointment to drop off material at the Resource Recovery Center at Rumford Ave.
  • Use a paper bag or a certified compostable bag to contain your organics during transport. Certified compostable bags can be found at WholeFoods, Target, and online retailers.
  • Place the paper bag or certified compostable bag into one of the organics carts – these are located near the back of the residential drop off area.

PRO TIP #1: If using a certified compostable bag, store organics inside the compostable bag in your freezer. This will prevent odor issues.

PRO TIP #2: If using a paper bag, store it in a plastic shopping bag to create a moisture barrier. This double bag can be kept in the freezer until it is full and you are able to drop it off. Remove the plastic shopping bag before placing into the organics collection carts.

See all of Newton’s organics management options.