
Newton’s Resource Recovery Center is located at 115 Rumford Avenue in Auburndale and is open Monday-Saturday from 7:15am-2:30pm*. It is closed on Sundays and Holidays

RRC Accepted Materials Table

To view the entire list of accepted items, please click on the arrow at the bottom left of the above list.

Driving Directions

*Weather Related Closing May Occur Unexpectedly: Please call customer service at 617-796-1000 when temperatures exceed 90 degrees or if there has been a heavy snow or rain storm. Rain and thunderstorms often cause flooding at the Resource Recovery Center.

City of Newton residents ONLY – for material generated from Newton residences, no commercial materials or commercial vehicles. The general public is allowed access to the Goodwill and Cradle to Crayons donation areas.

Proof of Newton residency required upon request.
