
The best option for handling plastic waste is to not produce any at all. Rethink the products you currently use and look for alternatives that come in no packaging or reusable packaging. Recycling is a good option after reducing or reusing isn’t possible or practical, but many items can’t be recycled curbside.

Terracycle has partnered with Gillette to recycle all brands of disposable plastic razors and razor blade heads at no cost to the consumer. When you sign up for the program, the company will send you a mailer into which you pack the used razors and send to the company for recycling. You can also sign up for a packet for community recycling of razors.

Terracycle also offers free recycling for other consumer products like coffee pod cups and e-waste, some of which are brand specific. See their website for the complete list

TerraCycle offers free recycling programs funded by brands, manufacturers, and retailers around the world to help you collect and recycle your hard-to-recycle waste, as well as Loop, a sustainable shopping experience moving the world away from single-use packaging.