Douglas S. EV

59% of greenhouse gases in Newton are from households–35% from home energy use and 24% from passenger vehicles. To help each of us reduce our carbon footprint, Green Newton has launched the Take Action! tool on our website. See testimonials and other helpful information there so you can Take Action!

This week’s testimonial is from Buy or Lease an Electric Vehicle:


“We have solar panels with excess production.  I have asthma and wanted to help reduce auto and carbon emissions.  With the purchase of my Electric Vehicle (Kia Soul 2016), I feel I have achieved this goal.  An unintended consequence is this is a quality, very nice riding automobile.  When I’m not biking, I love driving this car.  It’s quiet, very comfortable, with low operation and maintenance costs. 

This car was bought off a lease, coming off a three-year agreement for only $12,500.  Investing in clean air and climate reduction seemed a good deal, something I could afford, and considering the very low maintenance costs we’ve seen, a very wise purchase.”

–Douglas S.


Learn about opting up to Newton Power Choice 100% Green option at Take Action!

How do you get started with Take Action!?

  1. Go to the Green Newton website and click on the Take Action! box.
  2. Sign up (create a username and  password, and enter zip code) to create your account.
  3. Check off actions you have already taken and see your carbon footprint.
  4. Make a list of  ‘to do’ actions you want to commit to doing.
  5. Invite friends and neighbors to join and make their own ‘to do’ lists.
  6. Check off each action as you complete it and watch your carbon footprint go down.

Read about the Green Newton Take Action! tool HERE.