
The wildfires in Australia, and the flooding of Indonesia and Venice are examples of tragic climate events that have raised alarm bells across the globe. Climate change is here in real time and will feed an increasing number of devastating, extreme weather events. Facing inaction on climate legislation at the federal level, state and local governments must pick up the slack.

On Wednesday, February 26 from 7-9pm at the Scandinavian Cultural Center (206 Waltham Street, West Newton), the League of Women Voters of Newton (LWVN), together with the Leagues of Framingham, Needham, Wayland, Wellesley and Weston, will co-host a community conversation on how Massachusetts can join other states and hundreds of cities across the country working to reduce carbon emissions – “job one” if we are to avert the worst impacts of climate change.

Discussion topics will include:

  • The current state of climate change science and implications for society
  • The current status and importance of the regional transportation and climate initiative
  • The plan to help transition gas utilities to delivery of clean, safe, renewable energy and the importance of the FUTURE Act

An outstanding panel will present the issues:

  • Craig Altemose , Co-Founder and Executive Director of Better Future Project
  • Jordan Stutt, Carbon Programs Director of the Acadia Center
  • Audrey Schulman, Co-founder and Executive Director of HEET (Home Energy Efficiency Team) and/or Zeyneb Magavi (Director, HEET).

State Senator Cynthia Creem, a sponsor of the FUTURE ACT, will be attending as well and providing remarks.

RSVPs to info@lwvnewton.org or on Facebook are appreciated!