
Please join Boomerang Bags at the New Art Center (61 Washington Park, Newtonville) on Saturday, December 7 from 12-4 pm to help the environment and your neighbors. We are working to make 50 bags for residents of The Second Step (TSS) (thesecondstep.org) in Newton, an organization that provides housing and a full range of support services for survivors of domestic violence and their families.

Please bring your sewing machine and sewing kit if you can.  There will be some spare machines and many non-sewing jobs to do. We promise great conversations, pretty good snacks, and meaningful community work. It’s a good thing and so much fun to do!

Boomerang Bags Newton is a community-based project making reusable shopping bags from recycled cloth for those in need and non-profit organizations, including Newton Art Center, Green Newton, and The Second Step.