
Transportation is the biggest greenhouse gas emitter in Newton and around the world. Buying an all-electric personal vehicle (EV) is a relatively easy and effective way to reduce your transportation emissions and to help Newton achieve its climate goals of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in 2050.

Here is the lowdown: EVs are fun to drive (great acceleration and 1-pedal driving with energy regeneration); they require far less maintenance (less wear on brakes, no internal combustion motor with moving parts, no oil lubrication); batteries are warrantied for 100,000 miles; and they are safe and innovative (catch the attention of your tech-savvy friends).

Although early EV models had very limited ranges, most current models have a range of about 250 miles. If you need to replace one of your multiple family cars, buying an EV is a no-brainer. One of us has a Chevy Bolt as the only family car and it works great; we got to New York City and back without major problems. Others told us that their Tesla took them to the Outer Banks of North Carolina and back with no problems.

Charging at home is possible even with a 110V outlet.  That will provide enough charge overnight if you only do a small amount of driving.  A 240V outlet will fully charge overnight. (If you have Newton’s 100% renewable electricity your GHG emissions are zero!) Public superchargers can fully charge almost as quickly as filling your tank with gas.

There is a drawback – EV cars are (still) more expensive. However, there are tax credits, rebates, and discounts to make a purchase more attractive.  See the Green Energy Consumers Alliance website for some great offers.

We are members of the Electric Vehicle Task Force, established jointly by 350Mass Newton Node and Green Newton. Our goal is to accelerate the uptake of personal EVs in Newton. To achieve this, we need owners showcasing to their neighbors and friends that EVs are fun to drive and cheaper over their lifetime.

If you are interested in joining the EV Task Force please contact us:

Philip Vergragt: pvergragt@outlook.com

Leslie Zebrowitz: zebrowit@brandeis.edu 


Headline photo by Ken and Margaret Mallory.