
The Newton Sustainable Materials Management Commission (formerly the Newton Solid Waste Commission) advises the Mayor and the City Council on all aspects of municipal trash, recycling, and composting–striving to put into place practices that are environmentally sustainable and align with the City’s goals and resources, including the goal to ‘reuse, reduce and recycle’ materials.

With trash and recycling costs rising, capacity of regional landfills diminishing, and recycling systems showing their limitations, the City faces a number of challenges to the traditional ways it has handled solid waste. The SMMC works to help the City meet these challenges by investigating and recommending new sustainable approaches.

SMMC is seeking new members and would like to invite members of the public to attend a commission meeting. The next meeting will be on Thursday, January 28 at 7pm via Zoom. Please contact Waneta Trabert, The Director of Newton Sustainable Materials Management Department if you are interested in participating.