
The MBTA and the Institute for Human Centered Design (IHCD) are looking for input from seniors and people with disabilities about how to improve the design of the Newtonville, West Newton, and Auburndale Commuter Rail Stations. Participants will receive Amazon gift cards.

Interested? Have questions? Please email Jan Carpman, PhD, at jcarpman@ihcdesign.org or call 617-695-1225, ext. 241.

Consider going on one of the station site visits:

  • Newtonville, Thursday, February 13,1-2pm
  • West Newton, Monday, February 17, 1-2pm
  • Auburndale Station Thursday, Feb. 20, 1-2pm

You can also attend one of three workshops at the Newton Free Library, 330 Homer Street:

  • Friday, February 14, 1-3pm
  • Tuesday, February 18, 1-3pm
  • Friday, February 21, 1-3pm

Accommodations: Upon request (preferably 14 days in advance), IHCD will provide auxiliary aids and services leading to effective communication for people with disabilities, seniors, and people whose first language is not English. Find more information about the MBTA accessibility project here.