
Consuming less is a key component of fighting climate change. If we don’t consume energy to make, transport, and dispose of products then we don’t generate damaging greenhouse gases. Instead of buying it, see if you can borrow it…from the library.

The Newton Free Library recently added exercise equipment, gardening tools, a bird watching kit, and a podcast microphone set to its collection of non-traditional items. Green Newton reviewed the collection’s thermal leak detector and the kill-a-watt meter–two great resources for your home that are only occasionally needed. Why buy when you can borrow? Check out what’s new in the Library of Things collection today.

*Some items are for library use only. For more information about borrowing, please look at the Library’s Borrowing Guidelines below.

Borrowing Guidelines

Library of Things items do not get sent in delivery to other libraries.

If you are a Newton resident you can reserve these items through our catalog.

If you don’t live in Newton, you can still request these items, as long as you ask a staff member to place the request, and you come to Newton Free Library to pick it up.

The following loan rules apply for the majority of library materials, including those from the Library of Things:

  • 3 week initial loan period
  • up to 2 renewals as long as no reserves are pending
  • overdue fee of 15 cents, up to a maximum of $6 for late items

Items for use only while at the library: laptops, headphones, USB wall chargers, and phone charger cables.