
Planning is underway for Newton Power Choice, a group electricity purchasing plan for residents and businesses of Newton that provides a choice to buy more New England wind and solar power with an excellent opportunity to:

  • Reduce demand for dirty fossil fuels;
  • Protect our health;
  • Create local jobs;
  • Keep billions of dollars in Massachusetts.

Newton Coalition for Climate Action (newtonclimateaction.org), of which Green Newton is a member, recommends that Newton Power Choice set a high default percent of New England Class 1 renewable electricity for the program.  NCCA supports a default of 40% above the State mandate of 13% for the initial contract (a total of 53% Class 1 New England renewable energy). This goal is feasible and is strongly supported by citizens polled in a recent Green Newton survey.

Learn more here


please read, sign and share the letter of support here.

We are hoping to have 2,500 signatures by the end of March to demonstrate strong support in the community for a high percent of renewable energy in our initial aggregation contract.