
My kids, like so many, love the lightweight down-filled puffer jackets. What a shame it was when a snag on a branch during a hike in the woods left my daughter’s jacket with a small hole. Feathers started finding their way around our house and I knew it was only a matter of time before the jacket would lose its utility. The nylon fabric seemed too delicate to sew well, and besides, I knew my daughter would complain bitterly about a hack repair job and likely avoid wearing the jacket.

After a Google search for ‘puffer jacket repair’, I came up on small round self-adhesive nylon patches that you stick over the damage. They can be found through Amazon, REI, Etsy, and other sellers, and can be purchased as small circles or larger patches (for down sleeping bags). It seemed too easy and a bit slapdash to just peel and stick the patch on, but it has held up through many a wash since, and I’ve had no complaints from my appearance conscious daughter. (Submitted by Sunwoo Kahng)

Patches available online and at REI stores.

To achieve meaningful reduction in waste, we know we need to move beyond recycling to reduce and reuse. Tell us your best tips on businesses in the Newton area that have successfully repaired items. We will publish stories in future issues to help others repair and reuse.

Please include the name of the business, location, and a paragraph description of the issue and the repair done. A photo that illustrates the story (e.g., item, business, etc) is also welcome. Send to events@greennewton.org.