Pesticide-free zones are important for the health of children, families, pets, the environment and the community. Show that your yard is a nature nurturing habitat with one of these eye-catching “Pesticide-Free Zone” signs. Eight inches in diameter, these aluminum enameled signs will not rust and will retain their bright colors for years. There are two small holes on the sign that can be used to nail to posts to stick in the ground or directly to a fence. The sign comes with a Pesticide-Free Zone Owner’s Manual that contains valuable information including how to care for your yard and how to talk to your neighbors about pesticides.
Donation to Green Newton to cover our costs is $16. To order, contact by April 4 and write “Pesticide-Free Sign” in the subject line.
Signs will be available for payment and pickup at Newton’s Earth Day Festival at Newton North High School on Sunday, April 27 from 12-4pm. Other arrangements can be made if you are unavailable to pick up your sign at the event.
Other ways to benefit native bees and other pollinators:
- Let more time pass between mows than usual.
- Plant native plants in your yard, especially ones that bloom in early spring.
- Reduce your lawn size.
- Eliminate your use of herbicides and pesticides.
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