
When a goal was set by Green Newton and the City of Newton to help 1,000 residents to obtain free Mass Save Home Energy Assessments from October 1, 2015 through December 31, 2016, some thought it might be a bit too ambitious. Well, we are delighted to report that to date, over 1000 Newton residents have taken this important step!

Residents appreciate the financial and environmental benefits from having an assessment, as well as having their heating and cooling systems evaluated for efficiency and safety. They also benefit from receiving insulation and weatherization improvements that are subsidized by the utility at 75% off up to $2,000, and there is no-cost (up to 12 hours) for air sealing drafty spaces. The assessment is no-cost because of a small fee added to each of our utility bills.

Below are examples of the savings produced by Home Energy Assessments based on home-specific results taken from the 110 Newton homes that have had assessments since June:

• Each home received 34 energy saving LED bulbs (on average), installed at no cost, replacing far less efficient incandescent bulbs.
• On average, each home now has the ability to save approximately $278.28 in electricity charges, every year, as a result of switching to energy efficient lighting, based on current rates.

• Combined, these homes can save enough energy- just from the lighting upgrades – to power an additional 23 homes, helping to avoid the need for new gas pipelines or power plants.

• Each homeowner received approximately $517 in free energy savings products and services (on average) during the course of their home energy assessment.

Conservation and energy efficiency are our cheapest and most reliable energy sources.

Haven’t had an assessment within the past two years? To schedule one call 781- 436-2639 or visit www.NewtonSaves.com.