
Are you interested in reducing waste in Newton? Or promoting composting? Would you like a voice in what happens in the city?

The Newton Sustainable Materials Management Commission (SMMC) is seeking two new members and would like to invite interested Newton residents to attend commission meetings. No professional experience is necessary, but interest in issues on waste reduction and sustainability is very welcome.

The SMMC advises the Mayor and the City Council on all aspects of municipal trash, recycling, and composting–striving to put into place practices that are environmentally sustainable, including the goal to ‘reuse, reduce and recycle’ materials.

The three year appointment requires participation in monthly meetings where the members waste issues related to Newton schools, city departments, businesses, residences, as well as broader legislation at the state level. The meetings take place every fourth Thursday from 7-8:45pm online with occasional meetings in person. Please contact SMMC chair Sunwoo Kahng at newtonsmmc@gmail.com if you are interested or would like more information.

With trash and recycling costs rising, capacity of regional landfills diminishing, and recycling systems showing their limitations, the City faces a number of challenges to the traditional ways it has handled solid waste. The SMMC works to help the City meet these challenges by investigating and recommending new sustainable approaches. See the Commission’s 2021 recommendations on reducing residential curbside waste.