Last week at Newton North High School, staff, students, and volunteers rolled out Newton Public Schools’ first reusable lunch container program. They started with a goal of 50 reusable lunch containers, and plan to grow it further from there. Students “check out” the containers using an app and scan them back in once they are done. The plan is to introduce the program at Newton South High School after April vacation. It is hoped that this project will significantly reduce lunch waste in our schools. Click HERE to view a slideshow created by Newton North students.

This reusable containers program is also being used at six Newton restaurants and 16 locations overall. How does it work? Once customers sign up for the the app, they can take out food in reusable containers and return them to any of the 16 locations. Get the Recirclable app and get started.

Thank you to organizers Matt Delaney, Director of Food Services for Whitsons in Newton and Margie Bell, Co-founder and Chief Product Officer at Recirclable.