
Thursday, February 8 at 7-9pm. Sherborn Town Hall, 2nd Floor Select Board Conference Room (19 Washington Street, Sherborn) and Online.

Join Trevor Smith, Weston Nurseries’ Design and Education Manager, for a talk on the why, what, and how of native planting in your yard’s gardens and lawn. Transitioning to native planting can lead to many benefits, such as:

  • less maintenance and costs – native trees, shrubs, and plants require little or no fertilizer, irrigation, and weeding, once established;
  • reduced need for mowing your lawn; and
  • less water use – many native alternatives have deep root systems which improve water efficiency through decreased need for irrigation, conserving limited natural groundwater, especially in times of drought conditions.

We will discuss different plant choices for your lawn and/or gardens that could turn your yard into a beautiful and sustainable habitat. Also, it is fascinating to observe your new landscape change and establish. Trevor will discuss why native landscaping is important to our community and environment.

He will entertain questions from the audience, both in person and on-line, at the end of his presentation.

Trevor Smith has over 20 years of field experience in regenerative landscape design. He is passionate about the natural world. He holds several landscape certifications and is past president of the Ecological Landscape Alliance. He is an engaging and entertaining speaker who has lectured extensively on these topics.

The webinar link can also be found on Town website calendar (www.sherbornma.org).

Hosted by the Sherborn Energy and Sustainability Committee. Co-sponsored by: Sherborn 350th Steering Committee, Upper Charles Climate Action, Sherborn Council on Aging, Sherborn Open Space Committee, Sherborn Groundwater Protection Committee, Sherborn Garden Club, Boggestow Garden Club.