
Newton North High School senior and scout in Newton Troop 205, Zac Lobel, is working on an Eagle Project for the City of Newton, Urban Forestry Department. He is interested in increasing awareness of the importance of, and ecological benefits provided by trees in our city by creating an inventory of trees on private property to supplement the tree inventory that the Forestry Department has been building on public property. The idea is to identify and take measurements of trees and use the information to calculate the ecological benefits such as carbon sequestration, removal of air pollutants, and mitigation of stormwater runoff. Zac will summarize the information gathered and provide a report on the Urban Forestry Department web page.

He is asking Newton residents to help–the information will help us better understand the value of our city trees.

See the Tree Survey Data Sheet 

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 to identify and measure the trees on your property. There are instructions on how you can learn about the benefits provided by your trees. Please complete your ID/measurements and return the data to Zac at zaclobel@gmail.com by October 20.