
Some of your favorite Newton restaurants put their food scraps to good use. Each week Johnny’s Luncheonette, Jinny’s Pizzeria, Little Big Diner and Sycamore give all of their food scraps to Black Earth Compost to turn it into fresh compost. Each restaurant generates over one ton of food scraps each month! So instead of four tons of food scraps going to an incinerator or landfill, the scraps become fresh soil to grow new food.

If you love composting and support what they are doing, visit these restaurants to show your support!

Composting has many benefits:

  • Reduces methane emissions (a potent greenhouse gas) at landfills
  • Diverts food scraps from the waste stream
  • Sequesters carbon from the air
  • Enriches soil so plants absorb more nutrients



Johnnys LogoJohnny’s Luncheonette is an institution in Newton since it opened in 1993. Co-owner Kay Masterson considers herself the current steward. Its customers include daily and weekly regulars, students from middle-school to college, and families and parents with new toddlers. Customers hold job interviews, business and political meetings, and family celebrations. Kay sees the incredible value of turning her food scraps into healthy soil. She sources food from local farmers and has composted at home for decades. She decided to compost at Johnny’s earlier this year, despite the additional cost, and her staff adapted quickly with training and support from Recycling Works. Black Earth picks up one ton of food scraps from Johnny’s each week.

Check out this video to learn more

Johnny's Composting

Jinny’s Pizzeria, Little Big Diner, and Sycamore are some other Newton Restaurants who have made the commitment to composting. Show them your support! We will feature these restaurants and owners in the coming months. Visit our website to learn more about composting and sign up for residential composting with Black Earth.