
Are you passionate about your electric car? Help us spread the word!

The Newton EV Task Force is a team of volunteers co-chaired by Philip Vergragt and Leslie Zebrowitz. Our mission is to encourage Newton residents to switch to all-electric driving. We are asking EV owners to organize a zoom party for friends and neighbors and share your driving experience with them. You can present a PowerPoint about EVs (that we provide), and then answer questions about life with an EV. We hope you will help spread the word about the benefits of EVs, because people are most likely to trust the information provided by their friends.

To get started, go to the Newton EV Task Force webpage and click on ‘Owner Action’ to access two links to help you with your zoom party (a sample invitation letter and a brief Power Point). Feel free to share it with those who attend your zoom event or any others.

We hope you will help with this effort!  Email a simple message to evtaskforcenewton@gmail.com to let us know you want to host a zoom party and how you heard about this.