
Tell your U.S. House representative to oppose the Farm Bill’s pro-pesticide provisions.

Sections 10204 and 10205 of the 2024 Farm Bill would override all the established state and local restrictions on pesticide use, including pesticides like chlorpyrifos and glyphosate, which have been linked to serious health conditions. Given the number of pesticides linked with cancer or other serious health conditions, we cannot afford to roll back vital restrictions on harmful chemicals being used on our farms and our food.

This proposed provision in the Farm Bill also shields pesticide producers from lawsuits relating to the effects of their products. That’s important because lawsuits are one of the main ways citizens can hold big agricultural companies accountable. Bayer, the producer of the infamous Roundup pesticide, has already been ordered to pay over $10 billion to people who got cancer after being exposed to Roundup


1. Marin Scottin, “Republican Farm Bill would weaken pesticide protections and put communities at risk,” Salon, June 27, 2024.
2. Marin Scottin, “Republican Farm Bill would weaken pesticide protections and put communities at risk,” Salon, June 27, 2024.
3. Maureen Farrell, “Years After Monsanto Deal, Bayer’s Roundup Bills Keep Piling Up,” The New York Times, December 6, 2023.