Webster Woods

Newton is considering prohibiting the sale of plastic nip bottles! This would make us the fourth community in Massachusetts to do so, after Chelsea, Wareham and Mashpee. Taking this step would help reduce plastic pollution in our environment, as these bottles are so often littered along our streets and in our parks.

The authority for this decision lies with the Newton Licensing Commission. Newton City Councilors Emily Norton, Alison Leary, and Andrea Kelley have requested that the Licensing Commission vote to “prohibit the sale of miniature, single-use containers for alcoholic beverages in containers less than or equal to 100 milliliters.”

If you support this action, please consider…

  1. attending the public hearing on September 21, 2021 starting at 7pm to urge support. The meeting will be conducted via zoom and the link will be posted here.
  2. emailing the Licensing Commission members (Kathleen McCarthy (Chair), Dina Conlin & Anil Adyanthaya) at licensing@newtonma.gov to ask that they vote to prohibit the sale of nip bottles in Newton.