Today, there are thousands of synthetic chemicals used to make our clothing, cosmetics, household products, electronic devices, even our children’s toys. Many of these chemicals help us to live longer and more comfortable lives, but many of these useful chemicals are also persistent, toxic and dangerous to our health and environment. In his book Chemicals Without Harm: Policies for a Sustainable World (published by MIT Press in 2015), Ken Geiser proposes a different strategy based on developing and adopting safer alternatives to hazardous chemicals.
Chemicals without Harm– Newton Ver (1)Ken Geiser is Professor Emeritus of the Department of Work Environment at the University of Massachusetts Lowell and Founder and past Co-Director of the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production.
(This talk was originally presented on June 13, 2017 as part of Green Newton’s Greening Our Community Series of talks at the Newton Free Library.)
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