Legislature ignores constituents and puts the Commonwealth’s 2030 climate goals in jeopardy.

The Commonwealth closed out its two-year legislative session despite failing to pass a Climate Bill with crucial reforms, including a modernized Bottle Bill. Other important pieces of legislation, including economic development and health care bills, were also abandoned in the eleventh hour.

“Our recent poll on litter and recycling in Massachusetts, as well as the strong grassroots support for a modern Bottle Bill and Climate Bill, tell us that people want action now,” said Kirstie Pecci, Executive Director at Just Zero. “The fact that legislators ignored constituents clamoring for action on climate and the environment is unacceptable. There is no room for complacency when it comes to the climate crisis.”

Because the legislature has not updated the Bottle Bill – the most effective program for managing and recycling beverage containers – the Commonwealth will be unable to reduce the demand for new plastic or protect the climate. And our trash and recycling systems will continue to cost cities and towns a premium – about $36 million more a year than they would with a modern Bottle Bill.

“Massachusetts now arguably has the worst Bottle Bill in the country,” said Pecci. “We only return 36% of redeemable bottles and cans. Our system still doesn’t include nips, liquor, wine, water, or juice containers, and it only has a five-cent deposit.”

Just Zero will continue to work with advocates towards a modern Bottle Bill in Massachusetts. We call on the House Speaker, Senate President, and all of the Commonwealth’s legislators to pass a comprehensive, aggressive Climate Bill, even if it necessitates an emergency session. We don’t have time to waste.

The above post was originally published on the Just Zero website on August 1, 2024.