
Zoning Redesign is the City of Newton’s multi-year effort to update, clarify and rewrite Newton’s Zoning Ordinance so that it reinforces our city’s goals. Green Newton has created a set of FAQs based on questions asked by residents regarding the redesign process. Jay Walter,  who presented ‘How Zoning Affects the Climate Action Plan’ for Green Newton and the League of Women Voters in late 2020, provided the answers.

You can also watch the video of Jay’s presentation ‘How Zoning Affects the Climate Action Plan.’

Jay Walter is a local architect with a residential practice for over 25 years in remodeling and restoring homes in Newton. He has been participating in zoning re-design planning efforts as part of a Zoning Working Group with representatives from the Newton Citizens Commission on Energy, Green Newton and 350 Mass Newton Node. The group also includes architectural and building professional groups and the Engine 6 Zoning Re-design Group.