
Last year, Newton created a Climate Action Plan to dramatically reduce its impact on climate. Residents are an integral part of achieving those goals, and there are many ways you can contribute to combatting the climate crisis. Do you know which actions matter the most? Can you tell which have a big impact and which have a small one? Come listen, learn and test your Sustainability Trivia during this fun and informative presentation. This interactive webinar program is on Tuesday, September 29 at 7pm.

Test your knowledge of actions that reduce your climate impact:

  • Eating a more plant based diet
  • Insulating to the ‘max’
  • Choosing 100% renewable electricity
  • Electrifying your ride
  • Upgrading your heating and cooling
  • Committing to a ‘Consume Less Challenge’

Please register in advance for this FREE webinar. Information on how to join the session will be emailed upon completion of the registration. Cosponsored by Green Newton and the Newton Free Library. This event is part of Communities Responding to Extreme Weather (CREW) Climate Preparedness Week.