The City of Newton invites you to participate in the first public meeting for the update of the City’s Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP)!
The OSRP is an important municipal planning document. It provides an inventory of all existing areas of recreational use and open space (City-owned and privately-owned) and a list of goals and priorities for municipal actions regarding land acquisitions, recreational facility and open space improvements, and accessibility improvements. Each OSRP must be reviewed and approved by the state Department of Conservation Services, a part of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, and is valid for 7 years once approved.
With the help of the Conway School of Landscape Design, Newton is updating its current OSRP; the update must be concluded by May of 2020.
As part of the update process there will be several opportunities for community engagement.
- An on-line community survey allows everyone an opportunity to provide insights and personal priorities regarding open space and recreation. Please click here to access the survey. The survey will be available until February 13.
- Public meeting #1. The first meeting will be an information gathering session, designed to help the Conway School of Landscape Design understand the priorities of the community and the challenges that Newton faces. The first public meeting will be on Thursday, February 6 from 7-9pm in the War Memorial* in Newton City Hall (1000 Commonwealth Ave., Newton). (*The War Memorial is wheelchair accessible. For ADA accommodations, contact Jini Fairley, at least two business days in advance: or 617.796.1253. For City’s TTY/TDD: 617-796-1089. For TRS, dial 711.
- Public meeting #2. The second meeting (date TBD) will serve as an opportunity for residents to provide feedback and comments on a full draft of the OSRP. Please check the website link listed above in the Survey section, to check for announcements regarding the date, time, and location.
Want to learn more?
See the previously approved 2014-2020 Open Space and Recreation Plan.
Headline photo by Ken and Margaret Mallory
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