
Scientific American and Energy and Environment News recently reported that because of climate change, birds are migrating earlier and earlier each decade. It means not only will some birds fail to find their favorite food along the way, it also means entire ecosystems are being disrupted.

Many noted naturalists and writers, including Henry David Thoreau, have observed and written about this Washington in Spring Bookshift in the seasons (phenology) and bird migration since the industrial age began.

Now Rachel Carson Council President, naturalist and author, Bob Musil, has written about birds, butterflies and more in his jaunts around the entire Washington area detailing the most recent shifts because of climate change in his popular paperback, Washington in Spring: A Nature Journal for a Changing Capital. Bill McKibben calls it “a delightful chronicle of a single season in a single place that bears on the entire planet…”

To mark these dangerous changes to our birds and to ourselves, and to spur action, the Rachel Carson Council is offering an “early bird” special this winter for Bob Musil’s Washington in Spring at just $10 and free shipping (flat rate). Click here to order or send a check for $10 per copy with complete mailing information to the RCC, with “Washington in Spring” in the memo line, to the Rachel Carson Council national office at 8600 Irvington Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20817.

Rachel Carson Council