The 100% Renewable Energy option on your electricity bill purchases clean electricity to match 100% of your electricity use, all from renewable energy projects in New England.
To choose the 100% renewable option, first find your Eversource account number, then call 866-968-8065 or visit
- How can you tell if you are enrolled in Newton Power Choice?
Most Newton residents and business are automatically enrolled in Newton Power Choice. Your electricity supplier will be listed as “Direct Energy Newton Power Choice” on your Eversource bill.
- How can you tell whether you are enrolled in the 100% Renewable Energy or the Standard 60% option?
Look at the price of the supply charge portion of your bill: if you have already enrolled in the 100% Renewable Energy option, the price will be 11.75 cents/kWh, and if you are enrolled in the Standard offering (60% renewable), the price will be 11.34 cents/kWh.
If you want to switch from another electricity supplier, check the terms and conditions of your agreement, since termination may be restricted. Be sure your current supplier has returned your electricity account to Eversource’s Basic Service before calling Direct Energy at 1-866-968-8065. If you prefer to wait until the end of your contract, clearly tell your electricity supplier to return you to Eversource’s Basic Service at the end of your contract.
As of the end of June, 2019, over 1,500 residents and 30 businesses opted up to 100% renewable in Newton Power Choice. The total 100% Renewable Energy enrollment is up over 5% in Newton, which is far above what any of our other communities have achieved. Still, we can do way better!
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