
Thinking about making your windows more energy efficient? First, start by examining your current windows to find cost-effective ways to make them more airtight, like weatherstripping or adding storm windows. If you decide to replace your windows, explore all your options for making the new windows as efficient as possible. For example, if you have the opportunity to replace a sliding window with a hinged window, that will make a big difference. The U.S. Department of Energy has some great overviews of different types of windows and understanding energy performance.

There are some incentives for window replacements: a federal tax credit of 30% up to $600 (per year) for Energy Star windows, and there is a Mass Save rebate of $75 per window – for replacing single pane windows with Energy Star triple pane windows.

Thank you to Newton’s Energy Coach, Liora Silkes, for this week’s Tip of the Week. You can reach out to her with your energy efficiency questions at lsilkes@newtonma.gov.