In the energy business, vampire devices are electronics that continue to drain your power even when they’re turned off.

TVs and desktop PCs are some of the biggest culprits, but coffee machines, microwaves, and hairstyling tools continually pull energy and increase your bill, too. Even phone and computer chargers have a bad habit of drawing phantom power when they’re not in use.

Believe it or not, a study found that devices like these are responsible for nearly 1/4 of the average home’s energy bill. That means you could slash your bill significantly simply by being more intentional about what is plugged in and when.

So how do you keep these devilish devices from draining your budget?

Obviously, step 1 is to unplug your electronics when they’re not in use. Start with the least-used devices, like the TV in your guest bedroom or basement. From there, start to normalize plugging in and unplugging your daily-use appliances, especially those with an internal clock, display screen, temperature monitor, or remote control.

If you’re like us, that starts to feel unrealistic pretty quickly, but fear not: Advanced power strips offer an easier solution. A stake in the heart of your vampire devices, these energy savers cut off the power supply to large electronics and any smaller devices connected to them whenever they’re not in use. (For example: If your TV is off, an advanced power strip will stop the energy flow to the TV as well as the DVD player and the sound bar.)

Advanced power strips are available at no cost through a Mass Save Home Energy Assessment with HomeWorks Energy.

The post There are Vampires in Your Walls was originally posted on the HomeWorks Energy website. HomeWorks Energy provides free home energy assessments as well as insulation and air sealing services. A home energy assessment can help determine how to make your home feel more comfortable in winter and save on energy costs.

Headline photo by HomeWorks Energy.