
Though COVID19 continues to dominate headlines and make our lives challenging, we can use the time of school closures and social distancing to teach our kids about the environment. Environment America has created a list of activities to do with your kids. Try some of the suggestions when you and your kids need a break from these challenging times.

  • Create a self-portrait out of leaves, sticks, and other foraged materials.

  • Organize a family litter patrol. Get gloves and pick-up tools, and pick up trash as you go on a walk in a neighborhood park.

  • Make up a song about protecting animals in your hometown from pollution.

  • Research waterways in your community, and make a map of local rivers, lakes and streams.

  • Draw a picture of your favorite animals that need greater protections, such as bees, sea turtles, and orcas. Post the pictures to social media and tag your elected officials. Tag us too, we’d love to see them!

  • Try to repair something — whether a toy, gadget, or picture frame; there are instructions to fix anything on YouTube. Discuss how repairing things can reduce waste while you fix your item.

  • Make art out of trash and then have an art show at home.

  • Make a pledge to reduce your plastic use and create an online challenge with your friends.

Go to the Environment America website for a complete list of 50 activities.