
Green Newton School Connections is a Green Newton sponsored community group that works to promote sustainability in Newton schools. In addition to other accomplishments, School Connections has lobbied successfully to get an official recycling policy adopted by the Newton Public Schools, have worked to get a Newton Public Schools sustainability coordinator in place with funding, and influenced the negotiation of a schools food vendor more committed to sustainable practices. We welcome new members who would like to work on making our schools a better place for our children! Here is the latest news:

  • The GN Schools Connections website is up and running at schools.greennewton.org. It is a work in progress but we can start using it to share news, resources and information. We are looking for help reviewing the content and editing. And please check your school page(here) and make sure all the information is correct (especially regarding green teams and recycling signs). Also, if you have more news, links, photos anything you would like to share about your school, just send it to Joana Canedo at schoolconnections@greennewton.org or write a post.  Suggestions are more than welcome!


  • The group talked at a previous meeting about expanding our Google Groups to all interested people in a more regular conversation about tips, schools activities, questions, etc.  The name has now been changed from Earth Day Group to GN School Connections.  Please join here: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/gnschoolconnections


  • GN School Connections will be meeting on Thursday, August 29 from 3:45pm-5pm, at the Newton Free Library. All the meetings of the year are listed on the calendar page of the new website at schools.greennewton.org/calendar


  • Mason-Rice (and Bowen and Mount Alvernia) were awarded the 25th Annual Secretary’s Awards for Excellence in Energy and Environmental Education! Congratulations to the Mason-Rice Green Team!!!! More here.


  • NPS is creating two advisory groups: one focused on food quality and services  and the other one on sustainability in schools. We will meet this week to discuss more details and will keep you posted.