
Green Newton wants to acknowledge Newton Representative Kay Khan for her inspiring leadership. She is our local champion for action on both climate change and traffic congestion.

Thanks to her work in the State House the Transportation Bond Bill (H4508) passed with funding for all three of Newton’s commuter rail stations —  Auburndale, West Newton, and Newtonville. They will be reconstructed to become Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible with one of the stations earning a second platform.  The ADA improvements will help anyone who has tried to climb the slippery ice- slicked wooden commuter rail stairs. The second platform is especially notable, because it will allow the commuter rail to stop more frequently in Newton and benefit riders not only going into Boston, but also those going out to Framingham and Worcester!

In addition, the bond bill will fund $200,000 for a traffic study to expand efforts by MassDOT to analyze the infamous “Circle of Death” in Newton Corner.  Thank you Representative Khan for your outstanding work to achieve these much-needed public transportation improvements!  This Transportation Bond Bill (H4508) has yet to be approved by the State Senate and signed by Governor Baker. Be sure to let them know how important it is to you that the bill is signed with Representative Khan’s work intact!