
On Sunday, September 22, 11 am-3 pm, Newton Community Farm (303 Nahanton St, Newton Centre) will hold its annual Fall Festival, when the farm is open to the public for free so they can experience one of the oldest working farms in New England. The day is filled with children’s activities, pumpkin decorating, music, children’s sing-a-long, face painting, food, vendors and more.

Interested in helping with the event? We need help posting lawn signs, help during the event, and help cleaning up afterward.

Sign up here


Missed the Farmers’ Market this week? Stop by the NCF Farm Stand for tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, peppers, and more Tuesday – Friday 1:30-6 pm and Saturdays 9:30 am-1 pm. For the full list visit NCF’s weekly harvest page. We also have peaches from Autumn Hills Orchard, corn from Verrill Farm, and eggs from Codman Community Farms.