On Wednesday April 3, Newton Dialogues on Peace and War is presenting a resolution, “Back From the Brink” at a meeting of the Programs and Services Committee of the Newton City Council at City Hall in room 211. It deals with the dangers and cost of nuclear weapons. People interested in showing support for this resolution are welcome to attend or submit a letter of support to dolson@newtonma.gov. Please write in the subject line, “Attention Programs and Services Committee, Back from the Brink resolution”.
This resolution has been endorsed by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, California State Legislature, neighboring and nationwide cities and towns and faith communities – also by environmental organizations: 350 Mass Newton, Friends of the Earth – National, Sierra Club of Massachusetts, Toxics – New England, Enviro Show Massachusetts, Union of Concerned Scientists, Physicians for Social Responsibility and Green Newton.
For more info contact smirsky7@gmail.com.
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