
On November 12, Green Newton was honored to receive special recognition in an awards ceremony that was sponsored by Women Working for Oceans and the Massachusetts Sierra Club. Senator Cynthia Creem, as well as State Representatives Ruth Balser and Kay Khan presented Green Newton with Official Citations for our leadership in Newton “to protect the oceans and our planet from plastic pollution”.  We thank our state legislators for acknowledging our group with this special recognition and we would also like to extend special appreciation to Alderman Alison Leary, who deserves so much of the credit for the successful passage of Newton’s plastic bag reduction ordinance.

Along with Green Newton, there were representatives from 17 other Massachusetts communities that were recognized for the passage of municipal bans on single-use plastic bags, bottles and polystyrene packaging.  Remember that you can reduce single use plastic by carrying a reusable bag, not only to the grocery store, but also to retails stores, and when asking for a drink, say “no thanks” to the straw.