
Thanks to our members, partners and leadership on the City Council, Newton has a strong Electrification Ordinance.  The recently passed ordinance does not exempt gas hookups for stoves for new construction and major renovations, beginning January 1, 2026.

Your advocacy paid off!

With your work to advocate for a strong Electrification Ordinance, you are helping to:

  • Eliminate reliance on fossil fuels, which is the basic intent of the ordinance.
  • Follow the spirit and letter of Department of Energy Resources requirements to be one of the Ten Communities and model the reduction of fossil fuel use for the rest of the state.
  • Galvanize implementation of Newton’s Climate Action Plan and take a big step forward to attaining the goal of zero carbon emissions by 2050.
  • Protect our public health. The use of fossil fuel for cooking has been proven to harm the health of building occupants, particularly children and elderly. You are helping to protect the next generation of Newton residents.

A huge thank you to all our members who wrote to their City Councilors to urge them to protect our community, natural environment…and children’s future.

A quick note on what the ordinance does NOT do. This ordinance does NOT prohibit gas cooking… You can keep your existing gas stove.  The ordinance only applies to new construction and major renovations of over 1,000 sf.  You may replace and upgrade your gas stove by itself and as part of a kitchen renovation.

Please thank your City Councilors

Let your Councilors know you appreciate their vote for Councilor Bill Humphrey’s amendment that removes the exemption on gas cooking stoves for new construction and major renovations beginning January 1, 2026.

Please send an email to these councilors to thank them for their votes for a strong Electrification Ordinance!  (A quick note will show your support for the councilors!  See sample thank you email below)

Susan Albright (salbright@newtonma.gov)
Alan Lobovits (alobovits@newtonma.gov)
Alison Leary (aleary@newtonma.gov)
Andrea Kelley (akelley@newtonma.gov)
Andreae Downs (adowns@newtonma.gov)
Bill Humphrey (bhumphrey@newtonma.gov)
David Micley (dmicley@newtonma.gov)
John Oliver (joliver@newtonma.gov)
Julia Malakie (jmalakie@newtonma.gov)
Marc Laredo (mlaredo@newtonma.gov)
Maria Greenberg (msgreenberg@newtonma.gov)
Martha Bixby (mbixby@newtonma.gov)
Rena Getz (rgetz@newtonma.gov)
Rick Lipof (rlipof@newtonma.gov)
Tarik Lucas (tlucas@newtonma.gov)
Vicki Danberg (vdanberg@newtonma.gov)
Pam Wright (pwright@newtonma.gov)

Sample thank you email

Dear Councilor xxx,

[Personalize your email — for example, if you have an induction stovetop – let them know you like it!]

Many thanks for your vote to support a strong Electrification Ordinance that prohibits that use of gas cooking stoves for new construction and major renovations beginning on January 1, 2026.

Your vote is a big step forward toward our shared goal of reducing Newton’s fossil fuel use – and as one of the Ten Communities, Newton will serve as a model for the rest of the state and the region.

Thank you for your leadership on protecting our natural environment, our health, and our future.

