Award-winning food and environmental writer Paul Greenberg will join a discussion of his book, The Climate Diet: 50 Simple Ways to Trim Your Carbon Footprint on Thursday, June 10 at 7pm. The event is sponsored by the nonprofit Sustainable Wellesley and Wellesley Books.
Greenberg’s short book provides an accessible guide to caring for the planet right now. Register to receive a Zoom link for the event. You can purchase a copy of the book from Wellesley Books or visit the Wellesley Public Library. Wellesley Books will donate a portion of sales to Sustainable Wellesley.
The book opens with the question, “Should we do nothing? Or should we do something?” In the 120+ pages that follow, Greenberg provides a list of urgent, achievable actions that could add up to big impact; for example, switch from beef to chicken to cut your carbon footprint by a fifth, hang your clothing to dry instead of using the dryer, which is “the second-most energy-intensive appliance in your home (after water heaters),” or reimagine your gift giving to include less packaging and more creativity.
Readers are urged to take steps to cut carbon emissions and generate less waste, but also to tackle broader efforts like writing to government representatives to support legislation that fosters big change. Greenberg writes that “no one responds to a finger in the face.’ Instead, he suggests that concerned citizens use their own knowledge of issues to inform and encourage support from leaders.
Shifting to sustainable practices is not just better for the planet, Greenberg suggests, but improves quality of life by leading to cleaner air, quieter neighborhoods, and nourishing, more delicious food. To start, readers are urged to ask questions like, do you really need or want to travel to a business conference, or could the next event be virtual? Or just how far did that pineapple travel before it arrived in your fruit bowl?
The book-group discussion will include a slide-show presentation and Q&A with the author, followed by community discussion. Space is limited, so please sign up today.
The Climate Diet is a book to read, discuss and then take along to revisit while sitting on a porch this summer. Pass the book to a friend, or use it as a reference when you wake up at 2 a.m. panicked about the state of our precious natural world. Don’t fret, do something! Greenberg assures that we can get started today. Greenberg’s other books include Four Fish, American Catch and Goodbye Phone, Hello World.
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