
The environmental crisis is multifactorial: consumerism, pollution, extreme weather, loss of biodiversity, and other catastrophes – too complex, too intertwined, but above all, too urgent. A collective problem that requires collective solutions.

The eco-minded artists featured in the i3C (Inspiring Change for the Climate Crisis) Artists Group and their guests respond to environmental challenges in their new show, ‘Reimagining Our World: Rejected Materials Reinvented.’

‘Reimagining Our World: Rejected Materials Reinvented’ will be on exhibit through April 21, 2024 at the LexArt Gallery and Shop (130 Waltham St, Lexington). Hours: Tuesday-Sunday from 11am-5pm.

In addition, you may be interested in attending these upcoming workshops:

Waste Material Cordage: Basic Techniques and Uses with Alma Baumwoll
April 6 from 1-3pm

Trash to Treasure with Stevie Leigh
April 13 from 10am-4pm