
Mothers Out Front Massachusetts and members of several other environmental groups recently testified in writing and in person at the building decarbonization hearings at the State House. Thanks to your voices supporting the Clean Heat Standard bill last week, there are now four more co-sponsors for the bill.

Next week is another important week for Massachusetts climate policy. Bills that would reduce emissions from large buildings, fund building electrification, and support energy efficiency efforts are having hearings. We need your help once again.

Sign up to Show up at the Hearings

If you can attend the hearings this week and next, please sign up with Mothers Out Front. The more people the better.

MA House Hearing: Zero Carbon Renovation Fund | Wednesday, July 19, 10am | RSVP

RSVP to shirt up and show up for affordable green housing and buildings in Massachusetts.
This critical bill would invest 300 million dollars to increase decarbonized heating and cooling in low-income buildings, and invest in renewable energy infrastructure and worker’s training in our state.

MA Senate Hearing: Moratorium on Gas | Wednesday, July 26, 1pm | RSVP
MA House Hearing: Moratorium on Gas | Thursday, July 27, 10am | RSVP

This is the bill that is associated with the petition to Put Gas in the Past. It proposes a moratorium until at least 2026, on large, new gas infrastructure projects which will harm the climate, the State’s clean energy transition, ratepayers and the health and safety of Massachusetts residents.

Write in Support of the Bills

Please contact your lawmakers to support the Better Buildings Act, An Act Relative to Building Energy and Decarbonization, the Zero Carbon Renovation Fund, and a bill supporting LEDs.

  1. Find your State Rep and Senator and their contact information here: https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator
  2. Call or email both your Rep & Senator with your message right away (YES – it’s ok to leave a message or send your email over the weekend or after hours). It can be as long as you like or as short as the message below, which you can copy:”Hello. My name is ____________. I live in _____________. There are a few energy and climate bills I would like you to support including the Better Buildings Act – H.3192 & S.2144, An Act Relative to Building Energy and Decarbonization – H.3213 & S.2178, the Zero Carbon Renovation Fund – H.3232, and H.777 & S.538 which promotes LEDs.” 

About the Bills

  • H.3213/S.2178 (the Better Buildings Act) and H.3192/S.2144 (An Act Relative to Building Energy and Decarbonization) both create statewide building performance standards which are policies that require the owners of large buildings such as offices, malls, and apartment buildings to reduce their emissions over time.
  • H.3232 creates a Zero Carbon Renovation Fund which would fund building electrification and weatherization projects across the state, targeting affordable housing and public schools. Equity is a major consideration of this bill. 
  • H.777/S.538 would phase out the sale of fluorescent bulbs in favor of LEDs, which use energy more efficiently and do not contain mercury.