
On Thursday, May 10 from 6:30-8pm in the Druker Auditorium of the Newton Free Library (330 Homer St., Newton), please join the next public forum sponsored by the City of Newton on Zoning Redesign, ‘A New (Draft) Zoning Map for Newton’.

The Zoning Redesign project is a comprehensive look at updating and improving Newton’s Zoning Ordinance in more than 60 years. This presents an opportunity to better align Newton’s core value of environmental sustainability with best practices in regulation to achieve climate resilience, clean water, and quality of our environment.

The Zoning Redesign initiative also aims to create a zoning code that is more flexible, predictable, and context-based in order to encourage development and redevelopment within Newton that is in keeping with the city’s celebrated character, while directing growth and economic development to the most appropriate areas.

The City’s Pattern Book represents several months of effort collecting first-hand data and analysis. You can find the complete draft online at: www.courbanize.com/newtonzoning and a printed copy at the Newton Free Library (290+ pages). The Zoning Redesign event series runs through May 2018.

Check out the series online and RSVP at http://courbanize.com/newtonzoning. Contact zoningredesign@newtonma.gov with questions.