
Senator Cindy Creem has filed several climate bills in the new Massachusetts legislative session. We are excited to share the following summaries that are focused on mitigating and adapting to climate change.

SD2330, An Act relative to the future of clean heat in the Commonwealth: Heating buildings is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions in Massachusetts, which is why we need to transition rapidly to other forms of thermal energy like networked geothermal and air-source heat pumps. This bill creates programs and regulatory processes through which we can kick our reliance on gas and accomplish an orderly, equitable transition to clean heat.

SD647, An Act promoting access to zero-emission school buses: Not only do diesel-powered school buses contribute to climate change, but they also spew pollution that is harmful to children’s health. This bill establishes a state grant program so that all Massachusetts school districts can protect kids by switching to zero-emission school buses.

SD1214, An Act establishing the Municipal Reforestation Program: Trees are essential pieces of climate resilience and environmental justice infrastructure. They clean the air, sequester carbon, reduce ground temperatures on scorching hot days, and absorb stormwater—among other benefits. This bill creates a program through which participating cities and towns will receive funding to implement local plans to rebuild their tree canopies.

Thank you Senator Creem for your outstanding environmental leadership in the State House!