
Calling all Newton community members! We want to hear what you think and have questions about for the City of Newton’s Zoning Redesign project as stakeholders in Newton’s future. It’s critical that we hear from those who work, live, and/or are growing up here! We invite you to:

  1. watch this presentation about what Zoning Redesign is and
  2. fill out this survey to tell us your questions about Zoning Redesign and your ideas for community engagement in 2021. (The survey closes at the end of January 10.) 


start survey


For context, zoning law regulates how land is used across the city and shapes buildings, homes, blocks, neighborhoods, and village centers. Zoning Redesign is the City of Newton’s multi-year effort to update, clarify and rewrite Newton’s Zoning Ordinance so that it reinforces our goals. You can also find this information at the Zoning Redesign website. If you have any questions or additional ideas, reach out tozoningredesign@newtonma.gov or npilipovicwengler@newtonma.gov.