Newton’s HeatSmart program makes upgrading to clean heat pump technology for efficient space heating and cooling more accessible for homeowners. Heat pump products are also available for water heating. Take advantage of financial incentives and work with local vetted installers, Muirfield Mechanical and New England Ductless. You can help fight climate change and improve your comfort all year round!
How much do you know about this new technology? Try your hand at the questions below and then check out the HeatSmart FAQs for more information. (Click on the green boxes for the answers.)
Heat pumps can be used for:
- Heating
- Cooling
- Hot water
- All the above
4. All the above. A heat pump works both for space heating and cooling. Heat pump water heaters can replace electric resistance or gas domestic hot water heaters with the same efficient technology.
Today’s Heat Pumps are rated for heating down to an outside temperature of:
- 13 degrees F
- -13 degrees F
- Zero degrees F
2. -13 degrees F. This means a heat pump can operate at the coldest temperature expected in New England.
Newton Climate Action Plan calls for:
- 25% all homes to use heat pumps by 2050
- 50% all homes to use heat pumps by 2050
- All homes to use heat pumps by 2050
3. All homes to use heat pumps by 2050. Addressing the climate crisis means moving us away from fossil fuels–a key source of greenhouse gases. Replacing an oil or gas furnace with an electric heat pump and combining it with renewably sourced electricity is a great step. (The electricity most Newton residents get through Newton Power Choice will be 80% renewable by January 2020 with the option to move up to 100% renewable.)
The best candidates for heat pumps are:
- Homes using high cost fuels for heat
- Homes with bulky window AC units
- Homes with systems near end of life
- Homes being renovated
- All the above
5. All the above. Check out the HeatSmart FAQs for more information on heat pumps!
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